Well here is my update, still marching along,
weight not really moving, but shaping is happening,
missed my class on Friday Sunday and Monday. But did double class today as was ment to.
Friday was because they dont run classes late at night that day and I was to slack to go to the earlier one, it was pump and I really dont like pump class so it was all me being bad.
Sunday was doing a market and could not make it at the times it was runing. But did not do anything else either again me being bad.
Monday was a crap day and very busy at work, so got home got into PJ and just veg out, again pump class day.
Weight in day was only a 600g loss, as was bad on saturday night out with friends, and eat more sugar than I should of and few drinks as well. was not good for me.
so still sitting at the 83.5 mark seem to bounce between the 85.5 and the 83 mark all the time at the moment. Up and down everyday.LOL but like I said shaping changing so happy with that and just keep going and smashing the classes, the new summer class list came out today and no extra combat or kimax on there , was not happy with that, they added spin and more pump :( in the mornings.
Well after 1st nov be doing morning classes more so that will make life after work a bit easier at the start of the week, except for my double class days of tues and thurs as I will still keep them.
I went to target on thursday and layby 2 new dress in size 12 so that I can have them as a goal to be in them before I collected them in the 8 weeks time when layby finishes. I am in a lot of size 12 already but these are a bit on the small 12 size.
Anyway thats my update for now.
Goal this week is to try and stop or at least cut down at lot on my snacking, they are healty low fat snacks but to many of them, after work and later at night.
Will keep working on that one and let you know how I go over next week oh and make sure do all my class workout plans.
Keep smiling and live you dreams what ever they are.
oh almost forgot new photos taken last weekend after new hair do.